The authoritative text for introductory microbiology, Brock Biology of Microorganisms continues its long tradition of impeccable scholarship, accuracy, and outstanding illustrations and photos. This book for biology, microbiology, and other science majors balances the most current science coverage w[...]
Margot Asquith was the wife of Herbert Henry Asquith, the Liberal Prime Minister who led Britain into war in August 1914. Asquith's early war leadership drew praise from all quarters, but in December 1916 he was forced from office in a palace coup, and replaced by Lloyd George, whose career he had d[...]
The authoritative #1 textbook for introductory majors microbiology, Brock Biology of Microorganisms continues to set the standard for impeccable scholarship, accuracy, and outstanding illustrations and photos. This book for biology, microbiology, and other science majors balances cutting edge resear[...]
0321778359 / 9780321778352 Brock Biology of Microorganisms with Current Issues in Microbiology Volumes 1 and 2 Package consists of 0321538161 / 9780321538161 Current Issues in Microbiology, Volume 2 032164963X / 9780321649638 Brock Biology of 0805346236 / 9780805346237 Current Issues in Microbiology[...]
An introduction to microbiology for biology and microbiology majors. Helping Today's Students Learn Microbiology The authoritative #1 textbook for introductory majors microbiology, Brock Biology of Microorganisms continues to set the standard for impeccable scholarship, accuracy, and outstanding il[...]
An introduction to microbiology for biology and microbiology majors. Helping Today's Students Learn Microbiology The authoritative #1 textbook for introductory majors microbiology, Brock Biology of Microorganisms continues to set the standard for impeccable scholarship, accuracy, and outstanding il[...]