Discover tested, reliable (and easy) plans for building houses and feeders that attract the most popular backyard birds in North America. DIY birdhouses and feeders are inexpensive and relatively easy to make, even if you don't own a shop's worth of tools or you have very limited carpentry experienc[...]
Marx' "Kapital" ist eines der welthistorisch wirkungsmächtigsten Bücher. Die darin entfaltete Untersuchung des kapitalistischen Wirtschaftssystems hat wieder an Aktualität gewonnen, seit die verheerenden Auswirkungen der ungebremsten ökonomischen Globalisierung erkennbar werden. Michael [...]
Much as we hate to admit it, most prototyping practice lacks a sophisticated understanding of the broad concepts of prototyping - and its strategic position within the development process. Often we overwhelm with a high fidelity prototype that designs us into a corner. Or, we can underwhelm with a p[...]
This is the first book to deliver specific guidelines for integrating mobile and wireless technologies into a business organization to enhance business processes, reduce operating expenses, or produce additional revenue streams Builds off the material from Cap Gemini Ernst & Young Guide to Wirele[...]