Explores American animation from the 1930s through the 1950s, discussing the creative side of animation, favorite characters and the artists and entrepreneurs responsible for creating them, and the contributions of the big studios, including Warner Bros.and Disney[...]
Walt Disney (1901-1966) was one of the most significant creative forces of the twentieth century, a man who made a lasting impact on the art of the animated film, the history of American business, and the evolution of twentieth-century American culture. He was both a creative visionary and a dynamic[...]
Walt Disney (1901-1966) was one of the most significant creative forces of the twentieth century, a man who made a lasting impact on the art of the animated film, the history of American business, and the evolution of twentieth-century American culture. He was both a creative visionary and a dynamic[...]
Funnybooks is the story of the most popular American comic books of the 1940s and 1950s, those published under the Dell label. For a time, "Dell Comics Are Good Comics" was more than a slogan - it was a simple statement of fact. Many of the stories written and drawn by people like Carl Barks (Donald[...]