Maurice Cranston - Bookify - Vi prisjämför böcker
Sökresultat för: Maurice Cranston
Visar Resultat (1-3)
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  1. Jean-Jacques (Pocket)


    Maurice Cranston

    ISBN: 9780226118628 - UTGIVEN: 1991-04

    The first volume of three in this biography of Jean-Jacques Rousseau, this volume deals with Rousseau's early life and work from 1712 to 1754.[...]

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    från 248.00 kr
  2. The Solitary Self (Pocket)


    Maurice Cranston

    ISBN: 9780226118666 - UTGIVEN: 1999-06

    In this final volume of his biographical trilogy, Maurice Cranston traces the last tempestuous years of Rousseau's life. Unerringly faithful to the evidence, Cranston's narrative allows Rousseau and his contemporaries to speak with renewed vigor and undistorted voice. From his brilliant authorship o[...]

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    från 219.00 kr
  3. The Noble Savage (Pocket)


    Maurice William Cranston

    ISBN: 9780226118642 - UTGIVEN: 1999-05

    In this second volume of the unparalleled exposition of Rousseau's life and works, Cranston completes and corrects the story told in Rousseau's Confessions, and offers a vivid history of his most eventful and productive years.[...]

    Jämför priser
    från 537.00 kr