It's time to rethink our attitudes to work. For too long we have convinced ourselves that the only jobs worth doing involve sitting at a desk. Generations of school-leavers head for university lacking the skills to fix or even understand the most basic technology. And yet many of us are not suited t[...]
A philosopher/mechanic's wise (and sometimes funny) look at the challenges and pleasures of working with one's hands
Called "the sleeper hit of the publishing season" ("The Boston Globe"), "Shop Class as Soulcraft" became an instant bestseller, attracting readers with its radical (and timely) r[...]
A groundbreaking new book from the bestselling author of "Shop Class as Soulcraft"
In his bestselling book "Shop Class as Soulcraft," Matthew B. Crawford explored the ethical and practical importance of manual competence, as expressed through mastery of our physical environment. In his brilliant[...]
From Matthew Crawford, 'one of the most influential thinkers of our time' (Sunday Times), comes The World Beyond Your Head - a hugely ambitious manifesto on flourishing in the modern world. In this brilliant follow-up to The Case for Working with Your Hands, Crawford investigates the challenge of ma[...]
A philosopher / mechanic destroys the pretensions of the high- prestige workplace and makes an irresistible case for working with one's hands
"Shop Class as Soulcraft" brings alive an experience that was once quite common, but now seems to be receding from society-the experience of making and fi[...]
Elämän korjaajat on kansainvälinen menestyskirja. Se nousi heti ilmestyttyään myyntilistojen kärkijoukkoon Yhdysvalloissa. Sittemmin kirja on julkaistu Iso-Britanniassa ja käännetty ranskaksi, saksaksi ja italiaksi.Työ toimistossa ja liukuhihnan äärellä katkaisee elävän yhteyden maailm[...]