Sharing your kitchen concoctions on your personal food blog has never been as popular as it is right now, but if you've ever had trouble getting your tasty temptations to look like pretty plates on camera, you know how difficult it can be to take amazing pictures of food. Matt Armendariz, of Mattbit[...]
What's in a Monte Cristo? Who eats Spaghetti Sandwiches? And what makes a sandwich a sandwich? Find out in the entertaining and illuminating Encyclopedia of Sandwiches, a handy pocket reference to the best food since, well, sliced bread. As Alan Davidson notes in the Oxford Companion to Food, Sandwi[...]
Miksi mitä herkullisin ruoka maistuu vielä maukkaammalta tikunnokassa? Matt Armendariz vastaa kysymykseen mielikuvituksen rajat ylittävillä suolaisilla ja makeilla tikkuruokaohjeillaan. Meistä jokainen on nauttinut cocktailpaloista, koonnut grillivartaita ja käristänyt nuotiolla makkaraa, mut[...]