There is an institutionalized dilemma in Europe that counteracts social cohesion and stability. It is a result of the collision and incompatibility between declarations of universal values (such as human rights and democracy) and institutionalized actions which exclude and discriminate against Europ[...]
This book analyses the role of war and violence (in both its physical and symbolic forms) for social work in a time of neoliberal globalisation from a social justice perspective. It argues that the consequences of wars, in both their old and new forms, and the exercise of symbolic violence for the p[...]
Livet i de starkt segregerade förorterna och en del invandrarföräldrars icke-solidariska handlingar och negativa inställning till det svenska samhället har en negativ inverkan på deras barn och ungdomar. Studien, som genomförts i tre invandrar täta områden, visar att trycket från familjen [...]