In this absorbing portrait, Gessen relates the experiences of her two grandmothers, both Russian Jews who survived the atrocities inflicted by Hitler and Stalin during World War II, showing how overwhelming events force people to search for the decent compromise.[...]
The heroic story of Pussy Riot, who resurrected the power of truth in a society built on lies On February 21, 2012, five young women entered the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow. In neon-colored dresses, tights, and balaclavas, they performed a punk prayer beseeching the Mother of God to get[...]
"The Man Without a Face" is the chilling account of how a low- level, small-minded KGB operative ascended to the Russian presidency and, in an astonishingly short time, destroyed years of progress and made his country once more a threat to her own people and to the world.Handpicked as a successor by[...]
The heroic story of Pussy Riot, who resurrected the power of truth in a society built on lies
On February 21, 2012, five young women entered the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow. In neon-colored dresses, tights, and balaclavas, they performed a "punk prayer" beseeching the "Mother of Go[...]
An important story for our era: How the American Dream went wrong for two immigrants, and the nightmare that resulted.
On April 15, 2013, two homemade bombs exploded near the finish line of the Boston marathon, killing three people and wounding more than 264 others. In the ensuing manhunt, Tamer[...]
An important story for our era: How the American Dream went wrong for two immigrants, and the nightmare that resulted.
The facts of the tragedy are established: On April 15, 2013, two homemade bombs fashioned from pressure cookers exploded near the finish line of the Boston Marathon, killing thr[...]
Handpicked in 1999 by the 'Family' surrounding an ailing and increasingly unpopular Boris Yeltsin, Vladimir Putin, with very little governmental or administrative experience beyond having served as deputy mayor of St Petersburg, seemed like the perfect choice in the eyes of an oligarchy bent on moul[...]
When Vladimir Putin, an unimportant, low-level KGB operative, was rushed to power by a group of Oligarchs in 1999, he was a man without a history. Within a few brief years, Putin had dismantled the country's media, wrested control and wealth from the country's burgeoning business class, and decimat[...]
The story of Pussy Riot, punk icons and Russian dissenters, and the untold story of their infamous trial and on-going global significance[...]
A thrilling account of an utterly brilliant and utterly eccentric Russian mathematician which sheds a rare light on the unique burden of genius. In 2006, an eccentric Russian mathematician named Grigori Perelman solved one of the world's greatest intellectual puzzles. The Poincare conjecture is an e[...]
The facts of the tragedy are established: on 15 April 2013, two homemade bombs exploded near the finish line of the Boston Marathon, killing three people and wounding 264 others. The elder of the brothers implicated in the attack, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, died in the ensuing manhunt; Dzhokhar's trial got [...]
PUTIN er en skarp og avslørende fortelling om hvordan en anonym, lavtstående KGB-offiser på rekordtid ble den ubestridte leder i verdens største land.Vladimir Putin har i manges øyne bragt politisk stabilitet og lov og orden til Russland, og har fått den russiske økonomien ut av krisen den be[...]
PUTIN er en skarp og avslørende fortelling om hvordan en anonym, lavtstående KGB-offiser på rekordtid ble den ubestridte leder i verdens største land.Vladimir Putin har i manges øyne bragt politisk stabilitet og lov og orden til Russland, og har fått den russiske økonomien ut av krisen den be[...]
Mannen utan ansikte är en sensationell, modig och skakande berättelse om Putins väg till makten.Masha Gessen visar hur han genom skickligt manipulerande och hårda nypor blivit den mäktigaste mannen i Ryssland.
Den ryskamerikanska journalisten Masha Gessen berättar här hur Vladimir [...]
Efter att ha kommit till makten som premiärminister och därefter president i Ryssland 1999 har Vladimir Putin gradvis utmanövrerat och eliminerat sina politiska rivaler. Han har nedmonterat landets sköra demokrati, inte minst genom sitt järnhårda grepp om medierna.
Som verksam i Ry[...]
Pocketutgåvan innehåller ett nyskrivet efterord av Masha Gessen.
Den rysk-amerikanska journalisten Masha Gessen berättar
här hur Vladimir Putin, en skrupelfri och makttörstande
KGB-agent, genom skickligt manipulerande och
hårda nypor blivit den mäk[...]
Efter att ha kommit till makten som premiärminister och därefter president i Ryssland 1999 har Vladimir Putin gradvis utmanövrerat och eliminerat sina politiska rivaler. Han har nedmonterat landets sköra demokrati, inte minst genom sitt järnhårda grepp om medierna. Som verksam i Ryssland har d[...]
KGB-taustainen Vladimir Putin nousee yllättäen Venäjän presidentiksi ja keskittää vallan oman joukkueensa käsiin. Taustavaikuttajasta kasvaa äkisti Kremlin pelätty hallitsija, joka alistaa median, murskaa poliittiset kilpailijansa ja kääntää Venäjän kehityksen kohti menneisyyttä. Uud[...]