You don't need loads of space to have an exuberant garden but you do need to make use of every square centimetre. Challenge your preconceptions and see how shady corners, rooftops, doorways, cracks in the paving and other unlikely growing spaces can turn impossibly small spaces into miraculously and[...]
In the "New Father's Survival Guide", father of two Martyn Cox provides an informative yet amusing overview of what to expect both before and after baby arrives. Becoming a dad for the first time is an exciting but sometimes daunting prospect. So how do you deal with the arrival of a tiny person who[...]
When it comes to fresh vegetables, nothing comes close to growing your own - but where to start? For those of us that crave the crisp taste of home-grown tomatoes, peppers, courgettes and more but lack the crucial experience and know-how, it can be difficult to make those first steps to transform a [...]
En praktisk bok om vad som händer under graviditeten, tips inför babyns ankomst och goda råd om de första viktiga månaderna i barnets liv och ditt första år som pappa.
Att bli pappa för första gången är en både spännande och omtumlande upplevelse. Hur handskas du med det fakt[...]
Koko perheen puutarhakirja osuu puutarhanhoidon ytimeen ja sen hauskimpaan puoleen: kasvun ihmeeseen ja luoviin kokeiluihin! Houkuttelevasti kuvitettu teos johdattaa aluksi puutarhanhoidon perusasioihin ja listaa helppohoitoisia ja nopeasti kasvavia lajeja, jotka sopivat lasten kasvatettavaksi. Osa [...]