The world of veterinary medicine is changing. People are realizing that if alternative medicine is better for them, it's better for their pets, too. Dogs are visiting acupuncturists, chiropractic doctors, and homeopaths. Still, many dog owners are unaware that such simple measures as changing their [...]
You probably feel like you know everything about your cat and his needs, but chances are there's a lot you aren't aware of. For example, did you know that the food you feed him every day has nowhere near enough nutritional value, or that he may have chronic tooth decay? Have you ever been told that [...]
The solution for chronic inflammation, regarded as the cause of most common modern diseases, has been identified And it's not blueberries. It's something right beneath our feet---the Earth itself[...]
The solution for chronic inflammation, regarded as the cause of most common modern diseases, has been identified And it's not blueberries. It's something right beneath our feet---the Earth itself[...]
Har du elektronbrist? Det har du om du lider av sjukdom, smärta eller inflammation. I denna bok får du lära dig hur naturens ursprungliga inflammationshämmare - nämligen Jorden själv - kan bota din brist och förbättra din hälsa, energi och sömn.
Under dina fötter när du är ut[...]
Ota yhteys maahan ja paraneUlkona jalkojesi alla oleva maa ei ole pelkkää ruohoa, multaa, hiekkaa tai betonia. Se on kaikkialla läsnä olevan luonnollisen parantavan energian lähde. Luettuasi tämän kirjan et milloinkaan suhtaudu maahan samalla tavalla. Me ihmiset, kuten kaikki muut elävät ol[...]