When first published in 1977, this volume made recent accomplishments in its field available to advanced undergraduates and beginning graduate students of mathematics. Requiring only some familiarity with advanced calculus and rudimentary complex function theory, it covered discoveries of the previo[...]
The techniques that can be used to solve non-linear problems are far different than those that are used to solve linear problems. Many courses in analysis and applied mathematics attack linear cases simply because they are easier to solve and do not require a large theoretical background in order to[...]
Provides an introduction to critical point theory and shows how it solves many difficult problems.
Gabrielle Aplin is the singer who sprung to fame with her chilled-out piano cover of the classic '80s power ballad, The Power of Love. Her debut album, English Rain, includes that song plus three more singles: Please Don't Say You Love Me, Panic Cord and Home.
This matching songbook contains [...]
Denken und Rechnen liefert den roten Faden f?r Ihren Mathematikunterricht und unterst?tzt Sie, den neuen Anforderungen gerecht zu werden. Gekennzeichnete Differenzierungsangebote und eine?durchg?ngige Stufung vom Leichten zum Schweren gew?hrleisten selbstst?ndiges Lernen. Ein?erprobtes Instrumentari[...]