This fiercely comic tale stands in marked contrast to its genial predecessor, "The Pickwick Papers." Set against London's seedy back street slums, "Oliver Twist" is the saga of a workhouse orphan captured and thrust into a thieves' den, where some of Dickens's most depraved villains preside: the inc[...]
Have you ever wanted to become a spy? This book reveals how to stay in the shadows and break secret codes-all while avoiding detection by the enemy. From "How to Set Up a Spy Ring" to "How to Write in Invisible Ink," this manual teaches everything a young James Bond needs to know "The Boys' Book of[...]
"Off With Their Heads!" is the exciting history of Britain in easy to digest, bite-sized chunks, which is sure to inspire a love of history that will last a lifetime. A lovely gift from parent to child and a perfect learning companion to help all school children get to grips with British history. Co[...]
In many western societies, there has been a tremendous increase in family diversity over the course of the past few decades. The increased instability of marital and non-marital unions entails new challenges for both parents and children. In this special issue of the Journal of Family Research, scho[...]
Varjostaminen, salakoodien murtaminen, naamioituminen ja vastavakoojien tunnistaminen ovat perustaitoja, jotka jokaisen agentin on osattava - tai muuten ura salaisen palvelun asiamiehenä voi loppua lyhyeen. Salaisen agentin käsikirja on kattava tietoteos, josta löytyy apu joka tilanteeseen. Maail[...]