The Best Meditations on the Planet Card Deck gives readers 52 meditations that can used anytime, anywhere, by anyone to immediately improve their emotional, mental, and physical state. Harness the Incredible Benefits of Meditation-in Just Minutes Per Day! From the bestselling book The Best Meditatio[...]
"Globalization," surely one of the most used and abused buzzwords of recent decades, describes a phenomenon that is typically considered to be a neutral and inevitable expansion of market forces across the planet. Nearly all economists, politicians, business leaders, and mainstream journalists view [...]
They were the last great Spurs team. A tight-knit group of London lads laced with Latin creativity, Yorkshire grit and Scottish genius, playing for a few hundred quid a week and the glory of putting on the Tottenham shirt. They won two FA Cups and a UEFA Cup together, they went drinking together and[...]