Robert Schumann (1810-56) is one of the most important and representative composers of the Romantic era. Born in Zwickau, Germany, Schumann began piano instruction at age seven and immediately developed a passion for music. When a permanent injury to his hand prevented him from pursuing a career as [...]
Traces the life and career of the classical composer from his humble origins as a self-taught court musician to his role as kapellmeister and cantor of St. Thomas's Church, in an account that explores his relationship with the German aristocracy, his religious beliefs, and his role as a family man. [...]
Als Wunderkind bezauberte Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy den alten Goethe durch sein Klavierspiel, als Siebzehnjähriger erstaunte er die Welt mit einer genialen Ouvertüre zum "Sommernachtstraum". Seine zahlreichen weiteren Werke machten ihn bald zum Liebling seiner Epoche. Doch in der Wagner-Ära san[...]