Called ?The most influential interpreter of American religion? by Bill Moyers, renowned historian and Lutheran pastor Martin Marty portrays the religious reformer Martin Luther as a man of conscience and courage who risked death to ignite the historic reformation of the Church. Luther's arguments, i[...]
The authors test the theory that fundamentalisms in all religions share common characteristics. Several essays reconsider the project's original definition of fundamentalism as a reactive, absolutist, and comprehensive mode of anti-secular religious activism.[...]
For fascination, influence, inspiration, and controversy, Dietrich Bonhoeffer's Letters and Papers from Prison is unmatched by any other book of Christian reflection written in the twentieth century. A Lutheran pastor and theologian, Bonhoeffer spent two years in Nazi prisons before being executed a[...]
Addressing today's most pressing questions, this prophetic manifesto for the preservation of the world brings together Chittister's most powerful, influential, and celebrated writings.[...]
Välimeren itärannoilla syntynyt kristinusko oli aasialainen uskonto, jonka varhaisessa kehityksessä afrikkalaisilla teologeilla oli merkittävä rooli. Useimmista länsimaisista historioitsijoista poiketen professori Martin E. Marty ei keskity kristinuskon historiaa tarkastellessaan Euroopan tai [...]
Surveys over the last twenty years have seen an ever-growing number of Americans disclaim religious affiliations and instead check the "none" box. In the first sociological exploration of organized secularism in America, Richard Cimino and Christopher Smith show how one segment of these "nones" have[...]