In this story set in East Texas, a local seamstress named Chintana finds herself responsible for five orphans who are not only captivated by a storyteller's tale of vengeance but by the long black box he sets before them. As midnight approaches, the box is opened, a fateful dare is made, and the chi[...]
Years ago, when House of Leaves was first being passed around, it was nothing more than a badly bundled heap of paper, parts of which would occasionally surface on the Internet. No one could have anticipated the small but devoted following this terrifying story would soon command. Starting with an o[...]
Moving back and forth between the two main characters, Hailey and Sam, a kaleidoscopic novel follows two wayward teenagers who never grow up as they crash New Orleans parties, barrel up the Mississippi, crash through the Badlands, and more, from the Civil War to the Iraq War and beyond. By the autho[...]
Years ago, when House of Leaves was first being passed around, it was nothing more than a badly bundled heap of paper, parts of which would occasionally surface on the Internet. No one could have anticipated the small but devoted following this terrifying story would soon command. Starting with an o[...]
Between 1982 and 1989, Pelafina H. Lièvre sent her son, Johnny Truant, a series of letters from The Three Attic Whalestoe Institute, a psychiatric facility in Ohio where she spent the final years of her life. Beautiful, heartfelt, and tragic, this correspondence reveals the powerful and deeply mo[...]
Johnny Truant, an employee in a LA tattoo parlour, finds a notebook kept by Zampano, a reclusive old man found dead in a cluttered apartment. Herein is the heavily annotated story of the Navidson Report. Will Navidson, a photojournalist, and his family move into a new house. What happens next is rec[...]
This is the first book-length study of Mark Z. Danielewski, an American novelist who is rapidly establishing himself as a leading figure in the landscape of contemporary literature. It places his three major works to date, House of Leaves, The Fifty Year Sword and Only Revolutions, in their literary[...]
Now available in paperback, this is the first book-length study of Mark Z. Danielewski, an American novelist who is rapidly establishing himself as a leading figure in the landscape of contemporary literature. It places his three major works to date, House of Leaves, The Fifty Year Sword and Only Re[...]
"There was a book. Oh man was there a book. It is still to this day a book I mention it to any book lover if asked for a recommendation. The best books stick with you, often reminding you of the power, and potential, of storytelling, and House of Leaves is one of those books."--Michael Seidlinger, i[...]
From National Book Award finalist and one of the USA's most revered cult writers, this is an explosive and thrilling ghost story. A local seamstress named Chintana finds herself responsible for five orpahns on her birthday. The children are captivated by the storyteller who arrives and tells a tale [...]
Nachdem Navidson bei einer ersten Erkundung dieser Räume fast den Rückweg nicht mehr findet, holt er Hilfe - ein Ingenieur und ein professioneller Höhlenforscher sollen die unermesslichen Räume im Hausinneren erforschen helfen. Und immer läuft die Kamera mit - und zeichnet auf, was über den Ve[...]
Beloved and contemplated by philosophers, architects, writers, and literary theorists alike, Bachelard's lyrical, landmark work examines the places in which we place our conscious and unconscious thoughts and guides us through a stream of cerebral meditations on poetry, art, and the blooming of cons[...]