She's pregnant, which means you're pregnant. Not literally of course, but you'll be slap bang in the middle of nine months of flying hormones, back rubs, and too much talk of childbirth - you're in for the ride of your life. And you're going to be a dad. Fatherhood is just around the corner - are yo[...]
Becoming a father is a moment in a man's life like no other. The love, the pride, the joy and occasionally the fear stirred up inside us by the complex little being that moves into our home and our relationship takes some serious getting used to. And then there's the really tough stuff like putting [...]
Congratulations you're going to be a dad! But for the next nine months you'll be dealing with antenatal classes, baby-proofing and swollen ankles. But don't panic, Pregnancy for Men: 101 Tips tells you exactly what you need to know at each stage, and how best to look after your partner. Whether your[...]
Back-up English on yhden kurssin mittainen kertaus- ja tukikirja lukion alkuun. Sen keskeisenä tavoitteena on valmentaa opiskelijaa lukion opintoihin: kerrata ja laajentaa sanavarastoa ja vahvistaa perusrakenteiden hallintaa. Kirjassa on mukana tekstit sisältävä CD-levy.
Back-up Engl[...]
Exploring the full breadth of contemporary political geography, this title covers traditional concerns and political geography research. It includes case studies and illustrations.[...]