This book develops a model of civil society and situates that model in the debate over the relationship between civil society and democracy.a Jensen argues that while we can draw up an ideal in which political institutions and civil society are mutually supportive, this ideal cannot be realized with[...]
In my family, food is our language. Food enables us to communicate the things we find so hard to say." -Pauline Nguyen
Overflowing with sumptuous but simply prepared dishes that have been passed down through generations of the Nguyen family, "Secrets of the Red Lantern" is part Vietnamese cookbo[...]
Christ the servant is the basic theme of the gospel of Mark. Great care is taken to show the submissive attitude of Jesus Christ as He cares for the afflicted, heals the sick, and comforts the tormented. Thsi Self-Study Guide points out the key verse (Mark 1-:45), which divides the gospel in two par[...]
"Red Lantern chef Mark Jensen believes that you don't have to start your own chicken farm or move to the country to make sustainable food choices - it can happen in your very own supermarket, kitchen or backyard. From buying seasonally and growing your own vegetables, to using all parts of the anima[...]
En serie för alla fotbollsintresserade elever! Mark tycker mycket om att spela fotboll och gör det så ofta han kan, men ibland råkar han ut för problem. Han har en hemlighet som han gör allt för att dölja: han läser inte så bra. Paket 1 innehåller böckerna Mark spelar fotboll, Mark får [...]
En serie för alla fotbollsintresserade elever! Mark tycker mycket om att spela fotboll och gör det så ofta han kan, men ibland råkar han ut för problem. Han har en hemlighet som han gör allt för att dölja: han läser inte så bra. Paket 2 innehåller böckerna Mark blir berömd, Bra jobbat M[...]
An explosion of interest in the applications of hypnosis for clinical problems, especially pain, has led to a wide accumulation of research on hypnosis as a viable, beneficial supplement to treatment protocols. Over the past two decades, published controlled trials have confirmed that hypnosis treat[...]
If you suffer from chronic pain, whether as a result of an injury, illness, or accident, you know it can interfere with every aspect of your life. You may also know the medical treatments currently available are limited and, for many, ineffective. Current research has shown hypnosis to be an effecti[...]
Nearly forty years after its original publication, one of the most influential textbooks on modern pain management is available again for today's generation, in a unique and enhanced edition. Now complemented by expert, chapter-by-chapter commentaries from leading authorities on psychologically-ori[...]
A collection of recipes from successful Vietnamese restaurant Red Lantern, this book is the story of the Nguyen family as told by daughter Pauline - documenting their escape from Vietnam and eventual resettlement in Australia.[...]
Benshi är ett projekt som sedan 2008 bestått i en kultursajt. Nu presenterar sig kulturjournalistikkollektivet Benshi för första gången i bokform. I Benshi antologi # 1 skriver Malene Jensen om kritiken som ett kriterium för demokrati och för en dialog med Radioteaterns chef Stina Oscars[...]