'A clear, rigorous account of cognitive behavioural methods for treating depression.' - British Journal of Psychiatry The use of behavioural and cognitive techniques for treating depression has yielded exciting results. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) is as effective in the short term as anti-depr[...]
This bestselling work, now in a new edition, has introduced tens of thousands of clinicians to mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for depression (MBCT), an eight-week program with proven effectiveness. Step by step, the authors explain the "whys" and "how-tos" of conducting mindfulness practices an[...]
This book presents an innovative eight-session program designed to prevent relapse in clients who have recovered from depression.[...]
Mindfulness-baseret kognitiv terapi (MBKT) fokuserer på at lære deltagerne at foretage et enkelt, men radikalt skift i, hvordan de forholder sig til de tanker, følelser og kropsfornemmelser, der bidrager til tilbagefald ved depression. I bogen gives trinvise anvisninger på, hvordan man kan integ[...]