A humorous thriller follows the exploits and adventures of ex-soldier-turned-vampire Felix Gomez, who confronts shadowy government agents, Eastern European vampire hunters, and lustful women when he investigates an outbreak of nymphomania at a secret government facility in Rocky Flats. Original. 45,[...]
A tongue-in-cheek follow-up to The Nymphos of Rocky Flats finds newly made vampire Felix Gomez facing his toughest investigation yet when he is hired to infiltrate the corrupt world of Los Angeles politics and investigate the murder of a surgeon-turned-porn star. Original.[...]
Felix Gomez returned from the war in Iraq a changed man--once a soldier, now forever a vampire. So the undead underworld put his skills to work as a private detective, specializing in the sordid, the sexy, and the supernatural.After surviving aliens, nymphomaniacs, and x-rated bloodsuckers, it's hig[...]