About the Series Meadowbrook Middle School is an ordinary school with ordinary students-except for the Nine. These students look like the others, but they're not. You could call it a skill, a talent or a disadvantage, but each of these students is unique - they're gifted. FINDERS KEEPERS When Ken ha[...]
Dead people don't make great companions - something cute, athletic Ken finds out the hard way when, following an accident on the football field, he starts hearing ghostly voices. It's not the kind of gift he would have asked for, but there's nothing he can do about it, until an anonymous note invite[...]
About the Series Meadowbrook Middle School is an ordinary school with ordinary students-except for the Nine. These students look like the others, but they're not. You could call it a skill, a talent or a disadvantage, but each of these students is unique - they're gifted.
Everyone in the Gifted c[...]
About the Series Meadowbrook Middle School is an ordinary school with ordinary students-except for the Nine. These students look like the others, but they're not. You could call it a skill, a talent or a disadvantage, but each of these students is unique - they're gifted. Out of Sight, Out of Mind
Erica, Megan, Jen and Serena are on the brink of their adult lives, hoping for fun together before the serious future sets in. So when Jennifer wins a competition and the prize is a long weekend in New York for all four of them, it couldn't have come at a better time. Erica will finally get to meet [...]
Kahdeksannen luokan coolein tyttö, Paha kuningatar Amanda Beeson, on syystäkin kauhuissaan. Katsoessaan aamulla peiliin hän huomaa muuttuneensa koko koulun kiusaamaksi nyhveröksi, kaikin puolin epämuodikkaaksi Tracey Devoniksi. Amandalle ruumiinvaihtokokemus ei ole suinkaan ensimmäinen, mutta [...]
Kovanaamainen goottityttö Jenna Kelley haaveilee salaa kavereiltaan tuiki tavallisesta perhe-elämästä ja kunnollisista vanhemmista. Kun hänen äitinsä joutuu katkaisuhoitoon, kauan sitten jo kadonnut isä ilmaantuu yllättäen perhekuvioihin. Onko parempaa tulevaisuutta lupaileva isä liian hy[...]
Emily Sanders ei suinkaan ole vihainen äidilleen, joka ei ymmärrä hänen poikkeuksellista kykyään - eihän Emily osaa käsitellä taitoaan kunnolla itsekään. Tulevien tapahtumien näkeminen saattoi olla hyväkin juttu, mutta Emilylle siitä oli koitunut toistaiseksi lähinnä vain harmia.Kun [...]