Experience the Mighty Power of the Holy Spirit.
Maria Woodworth-Etter's ministry is still recognized as one of the most powerful of the modern era. God used this yielded vessel to heal many "incurably" sick people. Broken bones were instantly mended, the lame walked, demons were case out, a[...]
In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Maria Woodworth Etter, "the grandmother of the Pentecostal Movement," astounded many Americans and angered others. She traveled across the country holding revival meetings where the worst sinners in the town were converted, the most diseased were healed, th[...]
Maria Woodworth-Etter (1844-1924) upplevde redan som 13-åring kallelsen att vinna de förlorade för Kristus, men omständigheterna, bland annat att hon var kvinna, höll henne tillbaka under många år. Väl i tjänst, följdes hennes förkunnelse redan från första dagen av ovanliga manifestatio[...]
As revealed through her extraordinary ministry, Maria Woodworth-Etter was anointed by God to reach the sick and the lost of Christ. Drawing upon personal experiences and Scripture, she presents an enlightening look at how God wants to use His people mightily in the end times. Through her insightful [...]