Pixar Animation Studio's 13th animated feature film, Disney/Pixar "Brave" is an epic adventure set in the rugged and mysterious Highlands of Scotland. Determined to carve her own path in life, a skilled archer named Princess Merida defies a sacred age-old custom--and inadvertently unleashes a beastl[...]
Pixar Animation Studio's 13th animated feature film, Disney/Pixar "Brave," is an epic adventure set in the rugged and mysterious Highlands of Scotland. Determined to carve her own path in life, a skilled archer named Princess Merida defies a sacred age-old custom--and inadvertently unleashes a beast[...]
Walt Disney Animation Studios presents an epic tale of adventure and comedy with "Frozen." When a prophecy traps a kingdom in eternal winter, Anna, a young dreamer, must team up with Kristoff, a daring mountain man, and his reindeer on the grandest of journeys to find Anna's sister, the Snow Queen E[...]
Walt Disney Animation Studios presents an epic tale of adventure and comedy with "Frozen."When a prophecy traps a kingdom in eternal winter, Anna, a young dreamer, must team up with Kristoff, a daring mountain man, and his reindeer on the grandest of journeys to find Anna's sister, the Snow Queen El[...]