Islam in the World has long been considered one of the best books for gaining an understanding of modern Islam. In this updated edition, Islamic expert Malise Ruthven adds a new preface and new chapters analyzing the major issues of today, including the impact of 9/11, the meaning of "the war on ter[...]
Malise Ruthven tackles the polemic and stereotypes surrounding this complex phenomenon - one that eludes sim today, a conclusion impossible to ignore since the events in New York on September 11 2001. But what does 'fundamentalism' really mean? Since it was coined by American Protestant evangelicals[...]
Islam features widely in the news, often in its most militant versions, but few people in the non-Muslim world really understand the nature of Islam. Malise Ruthven's Very Short Introduction contains essential insights into issues such as why Islam has such major divisions between movements such as [...]
Upon its publication in 1991, Albert Hourani's masterwork was hailed as the definitive story of Arab civilization, and became both a bestseller and an instant classic. In a panoramic view encompassing twelve centuries of Arab history and culture, Hourani brilliantly illuminated the people and events[...]
Offers topical insights across the whole spectrum of Middle East and Islamic studies. Whether questioning the involvement of Libyan agents in the downing of Pan Am Flight 103; exploring the contested place of women in Islam; or discussing the disputed term 'Islamofascism', this title transforms our [...]
11.9.2001 terroristihyökkäyksen jälkeen siirryimme aikakauteen, jolloin fundamentalismi voidaan nähdä suurimpana uhkana maailmanrauhalle. Mutta mitä "fundamentalismilla" oikeastaan tarkoitetaan? Yhdysvaltain protestanttiset evankelikaalit ottivat termin käyttöön 1920-luvulla, mutta sen jäl[...]