What distinguishes the "new perspective on Paul" - and what lies beyond it? What are scholars saying about Paul and the Roman Empire or about the intersection between feminist and postcolonial interpretation of Paul? Magnus Zetterholm provides a clear and reliable guide to these and other lively iss[...]
I den här boken visar författaren hur flera historiska och teologiska faktorer samverkat till att skapa bilden av motsatsförhållandet mellan judendom och kristendom, vilket starkt bidragit till den idétradition som möjliggjorde Förintelsen och som fortfarande lever kvar inom kyrka och akademi[...]
In these chapters, a group of renowned international scholars seek to describe Paul and his work from "within Judaism," rather than on the assumption, still current after thirty years of the "New Perspective," that in practice Paul left behind aspects of Jewish living after his discovery of Jesus as[...]