Lyn Hejinian is among the most prominent of contemporary American poets. Her autobiographical poem "My Life", a best-selling book of innovative American poetry, has garnered accolades and fans inside and outside academia. "The Language of Inquiry" is a comprehensive and wonderfully readable collecti[...]
"The Best American Poetry 2004" celebrates the vitality and richness of poetry in the United States and Canada today. Guest editor Lyn Hejinian, acclaimed for her own innovative writing, has chosen seventy-five important new poems and contributed a provocative introductory essay. Through her selecti[...]
Lyn Hejinian is among the most prominent of contemporary American poets. Her poem My Life has garnered accolades and fans inside and outside academia. First published in 1980, and revised in 1987 and 2002, My Life is now firmly established in the postmodern canon. This Wesleyan edition includes the [...]
The poet Arkadii Dragomoshchenko made his debut in underground magazines in the late Soviet period, and developed an elliptic, figural style with affinities to Moscow metarealism, although he lived in what was then Leningrad. Endarkenment brings together revisions of selected translations by Lyn Hej[...]
A book-length, syntactically surprising poem divided into many sections, it is interspersed with delightful descriptions of daily experience with references to illustrious writers and thinkers of the past and their systems of philosophical inquiry. It offers humorous reflection upon our species' end[...]
Ranging widely in subject and tone, this collection of prose begins as an homage to Scheherazadethe heroine of The Arabian Nights whose nightly tale-telling saved her culture and her own life by teaching a powerful and murderous ruler to abandon cruelty in favour of wisdom and benevolence. Mirroring[...]
Contemporary experimental poetry? By women? But is this women's writing? The type of poetry that is central to this book has long been met with surprise, if not rejection, by both critics and the general public. This volume is an introduction to recent developments in women's poetic experiments, an [...]
Lyn Hejinian är en av centralgestalterna i den amerikanska L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E-rörelsen. I "Mitt liv", hennes mest kända bok, låter hon självbiografin blandas med formexperiment och traditionellt berättande. Vid trettiosju års ålder skrev hon den första versionen av "Mitt liv". Den bestod då [...]