Spencer, Fran and Iris have something in common: the feeling that life is passing them by. Spencer's lost his lover, who bequeathed him a list of things to do; Fran shares a run-down house with her oddball brother; whilst Iris spends her time cleaning up after her two teenage sons..."Spencer's List"[...]
When Noel Bostock - aged ten, no family - is evacuated from London to escape the Blitz, he ends up living in St Albans with Vera Sedge - thirty-six and drowning in debts and dependents. Always desperate for money, she's unscrupulous about how she gets it. Noel's mourning his godmother, Mattie, a for[...]
Stuart Horten (ten, but looks younger) is now the owner of a magician's workshop - except that without his Great-Uncle's Last Will and Testament, he can't actually prove it. Which is a problem, since someone else wants it as well; someone who has a lot of money. The workshop contains seven magnifice[...]
Stuart Horten - ten years old and small for his age - moves to the dreary town of Beeton, far away from all his friends. And then he meets his new next-door neighbours, the unbearable Kingley triplets, and things get even worse. But in Beeton begins the strangest adventure of Stuart's life as he is [...]
Stuart Horten (ten, but looks younger) is now the owner of a magician's workshop - except that without his Great-Uncle's Last Will and Testament, he can't actually prove it. Which is a problem, since someone else wants it as well; someone who has a lot of money.[...]
In 1940, every draft of every film script had to be approved by the Ministry of Information. Cast and crew were waiting to be called up at any moment, travel was restricted and filming was interrupted by regular bombing raids. And so it is that we find a disparate group of characters whose paths wou[...]
Enter a wonderful world filled with real magic, mystery, and danger.
As if being small and having S. Horten as his name isn't bad enough, now 10-year-old Stuart is forced to move far away from all his friends.But on his very first day in his new home, Stuart's swept up in an extraordinary adventu[...]
This magical follow-up to "Horten's Miraculous Mechanisms" continues Stuart's amazing adventures--with more enchantment, more surprises, and more thrills. When we last left 10-year-old Stuart, he had just recovered his great-uncle Tony's long-lost magic workshop. Now all the priceless tricks are on [...]
One wintery night, Smudger the dog finds himself on a walk with a difference. There appears to be a sleigh, a man in a red suit, and some reindeer... Could Smudger be about to save Christmas?[...]
Stuart Horten (10 år og liten for alderen) er nå eier av et tryllekunstnerverksted. Det er bare det at uten grandonkelens testamente kan han ikke bevise det. Og det er et problem, for en annen person har også lyst på verkstedet - en som har VELDIG mye penger.Verkstedet inneholder syv fantastiske[...]
Som om det inte vore jobbigt nog att vara liten för sin ålder och ha ett namn som förkortas P. Lutten, nu måste 10-åriga Peter flytta långt bort från sina vänner till den trista hålan Beeton.
Men i Beeton börjar ett märkligt äventyr, då Peter börjar söka efter sin gammelfar[...]
Efter att ha hittat sin gammelfarbrors magiska verkstad är 10-åriga Peter Lutten nu stolt ägare av Luttens mekaniska mirakel. Problemet är bara han inte kan bevisa det, eftersom gammelfarbror Tony gömt sitt testamente på ett hemligt ställe.
På jakt efter testamentet tvingas Peter [...]