"The Story of Peppa Pig" is a tale of a loveable, slightly bossy little piggy, named Peppa. This wonderful "Peppa Pig" story picture book is perfect for reading at bedtime, playtime and over and over again! Read all about Peppa's family, muddy puddles and rainy days. You can even see a picture of ba[...]
"The Happy Herbivore Cookbook" is written by a vegan chef blogger, showing that a vegan diet is both healthy and delicious. Vegan Chef Lindsey S. Nixon combines some of her tastiest recipes in "The Happy Herbivore Cookbook", each made with no added fats, using only whole, plant-based foods. It's eas[...]
After vegan chef Lindsay S. Nixon wrapped up her delicious-cookbook "The Happy Herbivore Cookbook" last year, she went back to her kitchen in her new home of St. Maarten Island living encouraged her to come up with simpler recipes, which led her to create a follow-up cookbook with a focus on recipes[...]
The bestselling "Happy Herbivore" brings no-fuss, great-tasting international vegan cuisine to kitchens in her third book. In the last 10 years, "Happy Herbivore" chef Lindsay S. Nixon has lived in eight states, visited 43, spent a year as an expat on a Caribbean island, and traveled to more than 35[...]
Bestselling vegan author Lindsay S. Nixon brings "healthy" and "holidays" together in her new book, Happy Herbivore Holidays & Gatherings, filled with easy recipes that celebrate and define our favorite occasions throughout the year. Whether you're planning an elaborate Thanksgiving, a no-fuss dazzl[...]
In her latest Happy Herbivore book, Lindsay S. Nixon provides what her readers have been clamoring for--a practical, in-depth guide to living the plant-based lifestyle. A plant-based diet is not about saying "no" to a variety of foods. It's about saying "yes" to you and your health. It's about sayi[...]