This book will help school systems improve their teacher workforce by drawing important lessons from nations with high-performing educational systems, as well as from successful state experiments in the United States. The authors examine common features and differences in the approaches of high-perf[...]
Explores promising approaches to policy and practice in teacher learning. This book also provides the substance behind policy recommendations, examining the implications of school reforms for teaching, knowledge about teacher preparation, and the kinds of learning opportunities teachers may need.[...]
Based on rapid advances in what is known about how people learn and how to teach effectively, this important book examines the core concepts and central pedagogies that should be at the heart of any teacher education program. Stemming from the results of a commission sponsored by the National Academ[...]
As America enters the 21st century, U.S. students continue to slip behind in the world's rankings in science and math. Yet, at the same time, state prison budgets are increasing nearly three times as fast as budgets for education. In her new book, Linda Darling-Hammond, a chief education advisor to [...]
Teacher evaluation systems are being overhauled by states and districts across the United States. And, while intentions are admirable, the result for many new systems is that good-often excellent-teachers are lost in the process. In the end, students are the losers. In her new book, Linda Darling-Ha[...]
Educators are unhappy with the current assessments and their focus on low-level skills like recalling and restating facts rather than higher-order skills such as problem-solving and analyzing and synthesizing information.[...]
As teachers today work in ever more challenging contexts groupwork remains a particularly effective pedagogical strategy. Based on years of research and teaching experience the new edition of this popular book features significant updates on the successful use of cooperative learning to build equita[...]