Got Heaven? Ever wonder what Heaven is really like? Leave the paperwork, the dinner dishes, and today's troubles behind as you venture into the splendor, peace, and pleasure of God's home sweet home--Heaven. Nestle into His love and the beauty of His Kingdom as four everyday people share their heave[...]
This is a motivating, provocative look at the awesome potential trapped within you, waiting to be realized. This book will cause you to be uncomfortable with your present state of accomplishment and dissatisfied with resting on your past success. Includes a study guide for personal or group use.[...]
If you want renewed strength to stand firm against evil attacks; if people are coming between you and God; or if you ever feel like the whole world is against you, then this 3-in-1 volume is for you![...]
A spiritual look at the lessons learned about life and healing ministry of Kathryn Kulman.
In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Maria Woodworth Etter, "the grandmother of the Pentecostal Movement," astounded many Americans and angered others. She traveled across the country holding revival meetings where the worst sinners in the town were converted, the most diseased were healed, th[...]
Volume 1 of a series called God's Generals for Kids. This book deals with the great healing evangelists and their ministries. These books will be a wonderful evangelistic and spiritual source of education for children and young people. The first book in the series deals with Kathryn Kuhlman.[...]
Volume Two of a very popular series for kids about notable men and women ministers and evangelists.
Four Favorites in One Volume If you are serious about moving closer to God and doing what it takes to have a deeper walk with Jesus, here are four Roberts Liardon titles in one volume that will help you to get there Holding to the Word of the Lord will teach you how to hold on to what God has told y[...]
Boka inneholder biografier over 12 personer som har vært sentrale i vekkelser på 1900-tallet, bl.a. William J. Seymour, Aimee Semple McPherson, Smith Wigglesworth og Kathryn Kuhlman.[...]
Läs om troshjältarna som verkade från slutet av 1800-talet fram till 1970-talet: John Alexander Dowie, Maria Woodworth Etter, Evan Roberts, Charles F Parham, William J Seymour, John G Lake, Smith Wigglesworth, Aimee Semple McPherson, Kathryn Kuhlman, William Branham, Jack Coe och A A Allen.
Tämä kirja kertoo viiden 1900-luvun merkittävimpien parantajaevankelistojen elämästä ja palvelutyöstä. He toimivat Jumalan kutsussa ja saivat nähdä Jumalan parantavan tuhansia ihmisiä heidän kauttaan. Tunnustettu kirjailija Roberts Liardon, jonka kirjoja on painettu yli 6 miljoonaa kappa[...]
Lue suurenmoinen kuvaus taivaasta. Roberts Liardon kävi taivaassa 8-vuotiaana poikana. Hän käveli kultakaduilla ja näki millaisia ovat tahrattomat Jumalan luomukset. Jeesus esitteli hänelle taivaan ihanuutta ja näytti miten siellä asutaan ja eletään. Roberts tapasi enkeleitä, osallistui ta[...]