The bestselling author of "Work as a Spiritual Practice "presents a user's life guide to aging well and making every year fulfilling and transformative.
Everything changes. For Zen Buddhist priest and meditation teacher Lewis Richmond, this fundamental Buddhist tenet is the basis for a new inne[...]
"Work is not just a job. It is the sum of all our purposeful activities. Seen in this light, work is our whole life." -- from "A Whole Life's Work" What is work in the truest sense of the word? For Buddhist priest and acclaimed author Lewis Richmond, work is more than just having a job, or a means t[...]
A guide to developing and maintaining a spiritual life on the job, drawn from the teachings and practices of Buddhist tradition.
Most people associate Buddhism with developing calmness, kindness, and compassion through meditation. Lewis Richmond's Work as a Spiritual Practice shows us another[...]
Jokainen meistä vanhenee, mutta voimmeko oppia viisaan ikääntymisen taidon ja kohdata vanhuuden asettamat haasteet tyynesti ja kiitollisena? Ikääntyminen henkisenä harjoituksena auttaa meitä ymmärtämään, että muutos on aina mahdollisuus johonkin uuteen. Menestyskirjailija Lewis Richmond [...]