Leslie R Martin - Bookify - Vi prisjämför böcker
Sökresultat för: Leslie R Martin
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  1. Health Behavior Change and Treatment Adherence (Inbunden)


    Professor Leslie R Martin, Kelly B Haskard-Zolnierek, Distinguished M Robin DiMatteo

    ISBN: 9780195380408 - UTGIVEN: 2010-02

    Relationships, jobs, and health behaviors-these are what New Year's resolutions are made of. Every year millions resolve to adopt a better diet, exercise more, become fit, or lose weight but few put into practice the health behaviors they aspire to. For those who successfully begin, the likelihood[...]

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    från 441.00 kr
  2. The Oxford Handbook of Health Communication, Behavior Change, and Treatment Adherence (Inbunden)


    Leslie R. Martin

    ISBN: 9780199795833 - UTGIVEN: 2013-11

    Better health all around-this is what clinicians and patients, alike, desire. But achieving and maintaining good health can be difficult task, as this requires the adoption of behaviours, habits, and lifestyles that are challenging for a variety of reasons. Perhaps the most vital tool in the deliver[...]

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    från 1149.00 kr
  3. The Longevity Project: Surprising Discoveries for Health and Long Life from the Landmark Eight-Decade Study (Häftad)


    Howard S. Friedman, Leslie R. Martin

    ISBN: 9780452297708 - UTGIVEN: 201202

    "An extraordinary eighty-year study has led to some unexpected discoveries about long life."
    -"O, The Oprah Magazine"For years we have been told to obsessively monitor when we're angry, what we eat, how much we worry, and how often we go to the gym. So why isn't everyone healthy? Drawing from the[...]

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    från 129.00 kr
  4. The Longevity Project (Häftad)


    Howard S. Friedman, Leslie R. Martin

    ISBN: 9781848504318 - UTGIVEN: 201106

    We have been told that the key to longevity involves obsessing over what we eat, how much we stress, and how fast we run. Based on the most extensive study of longevity ever conducted, "The Longevity Project" exposes what really impacts our lifespan - including friends, family, personality and work.[...]

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    från 124.00 kr
  5. Lev längre : de överraskande svaren från världens längsta livsstilsstudie (Inbunden)


    Howard S Friedman, Leslie R Martin

    ISBN: 9789172412163 - UTGIVEN: 201106

    Hur gammal kommer jag att bli?

    Lönar det sig att ändra livsstil?

    I Lev längre visar författarna att många av de »sanningar« som brukar anges som starka faktorer (kostvanor, viktnedgång, motion, upplevd livsharmoni etc) har en mycket svag koppling till den förväntade [...]

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    från 199.00 kr
  6. Pitkän iän salaisuus (Häftad)


    Howard S. Friedman, Leslie R. Martin

    ISBN: 9789522600332 - UTGIVEN: 2011

    Tämä teos perustuu laajimpaan korkeaan ikään eläneistä henkilöistä tehtyyn kartoitukseen. Se paljastaa, mikä ajan mittaan on todella tärkeää: millaiset persoonallisuuden piirteet, ihmissuhteet, kokemukset ja urapolut pitävät ihmisen luonnostaan elinvoimaisena. Terveyteen perehtyneet tu[...]

    Jämför priser
    från 212.00 kr