Classrooms provide extremely varied settings in which learning may take place, including teacher-led conversations, small group unguided discussions, individual problem solving or computer supported collaborative learning (CSCL). "Transformation of Knowledge through Classroom Interaction" examines a[...]
Adolescent neglect is a significant problem within child protection, but focus on child neglect and other forms of maltreatment means that it can often be overlooked. This book outlines how adolescent neglect differs from child neglect, the context of why it is overlooked, how it is defined, the cau[...]
Anna pikkulemmikillesi parasta hoitoa tämän kätevän käsikirjan avulla. Aiheina ovat muiden muassa eläimen anatomia, käyttäytyminen ja oikeaoppinen ravinto sekä sairaudet ja niiden ehkäisy. Lisäksi oppaassa on havainnollisia ohjeita, miten lemmikille järjestetään lajinmukaista puuhailua[...]