With 101 family-oriented stories by hockey fans, hockey families and NHLers, this book will delight anyone who enjoys hockey, whether it's in the backyard, in school, or at the professional level."Chicken Soup for the Soul: Hooked on Hockey" is full of fun, heartwarming and inspiring stories for hoc[...]
Allows students to experience the writing process and utilize instructional scaffolding or tools for writing that helps them to create more viable products. This title presents a classroom approach to both the student's writing process and to his or her final product.[...]
Detta är en bok för alla som vill veta mer om Alzheimer, synnerligen för de som vistas närma den sjuke, såsom vårdpersonal eller anhöriga.
Nästan varannan person i åldern 85 till 95 drabbas av den demenssjukdom som kallas Alzheimers sjukdom. Men den är ovanlig bland dem som är[...]