Otto Weininger's controversial book Sex and Character, first published in Vienna in 1903, is a prime example of the conflicting discourses central to its time: antisemitism, scientific racism and biologism, misogyny, the cult and crisis of masculinity, psychological introspection versus empiricism, [...]
Freud's Interpretation of Dreams, published in 1900, has been one of the most influential texts of the twentieth century, fundamentally changing the ways in which people have thought about their waking lives as well as their dreams. This book, more than any other in Freud's massive oeuvre, has shape[...]
Examines a wide range of Virginia Woolf's novels, short stories, essays and autobiographical writings in the context of themes and topics of central contemporary relevance and interest: time, history and narrative; modernism and the city; gender, sexuality and identity; art and life-writings.[...]
Laura Marcus is one of the leading literary critics of modernist literature and culture. Dreams of Modernity: Psychoanalysis, Literature, Cinema covers the period from around 1880 to 1930, when modernity as a form of social and cultural life fed into the beginnings of modernism as a cultural form. R[...]
We are currently experiencing a global explosion of zombie mania, with zombie representations and zombie-related material infiltrating the media and contemporary society in multiple and changing forms. This highly innovative and original collection considers the significant cultural phenomenon of th[...]
Säg ja till drömmar
Molly Shriver älskar sitt jobb som sjukgymnast. Hon hjälper sina små patienter att återhämta sig från olika skador och har lätt för att fästa sig vid dem. Men när hon tar hand om doktor Morris lille pojke, som skadats i en bilolycka, riskerar hon att fästa sig al[...]
Säg ja till drömmar Molly Shriver älskar sitt jobb som sjukgymnast. Hon hjälper sina små patienter att återhämta sig från olika skador och har lätt för att fästa sig vid dem. Men när hon tar hand om doktor Morris lille pojke, som skadats i en bilolycka, riskerar hon att fästa sig all[...]