This book puts the reader at the table in the world's most prestigious Invitational Pairs tournament, held annually in The Hague. Larry Cohen is regularly invited to these events, and the book is based on his popular articles that have appeared in 'Bridge Today' magazine. The author presents real-li[...]
This book is the second edition of the only published study devoted to Larry Cohen and explaining his significance as a great American director. Long out of print and sought after, it covers all the director's films, television work and screenplays. It contains an updated interview with the director[...]
To bid or not to bid -- the perennial dilemma in competitive auctions. The easy answer to the question lies in the correct use of the Law of Total Tricks. The LAW has been part of bridge literature since the 1950s, but it was in this book that Larry Cohen brought it to the attention of the majority [...]
Larry Cohens bok Bjuda över eller inte bjuda över (utgiven 1994) om konkurrensbudgivning har blivit stilbildande.
1966 publicerade den franske bridgeteoretikern Jean-René Vernes en artikel i den amerikanska tidskriften The Bridge World, en artikel som kom att få stor betydelse för al[...]
Provides information on the physical characteristics, behavior, habits, and relatives of the dinosaur known as Spinosaurus.[...]