'The day was dove grey, and silk. A melancholic cloth that whispered and rustled. Who could say what it foretold.' Dublin, 1840: Rhia Mahoney watches in despair as her father's linen warehouse goes up in flames. Her family is ruined. Her imagined future, full of pattern and colour, plum brocades and[...]
To the disgrace of his family, an illustrious London shipping merchant has taken his own life. But his niece Rhia Mahoney believes her uncle has been murdered to conceal the secrets of his trading partners. And as she begins to investigate his death, her fears are realized when she is arrested for a[...]
Dramatik, intriger, myter och kärlek
Det är 1860-tal och i London. Förklädde till pojke arbetar den unga Sarah som springpojke på en tidningsredaktion. Hon drömmer om att en dag bli journalist. Hennes stora förebild är Lily Korenchy som tvingas skriva sina artiklar under manlig pseudo[...]