Keep Calm and Cast On is a delightful pocket book full of quotes, quips and wit plus expert troubleshooting tips and techniques to keep the contemporary knitter calm in the face of a dropped stitch.[...]
Yksinkertaisesti neuloen on ainutlaatuinen neulekirja, joka opettaa havainnollisesti keskeiset neulomisen tekniikat - ja samalla syntyy ihailtavan kauniita neulottuja vaatteita, asusteita sekä käyttöesineitä. Kirjassa on 20 neuletyötä, joista jokaisessa omaksutaan jokin uusi tekniikka ja sovel[...]
"Simple Crocheting "is the perfect book for the beginner. Under Erika Knight's guidance even those who have never picked up a crochet hook before will soon be making gorgeous projects and all the while learning new techniques and adding to their skills. Each of the 20 projects in the book will teach[...]
Erika's Knights's ever popular 'Simple Knits for Little Cherubs' is now available in a newly formatted size. The hallmark of Erika's designs are that they are not only true classics, that will become the hand-me-downs of the future, but that they are simple enough for a beginner to knit successfull[...]
Simple Knit for Cherished Babies' is the best-selling baby knits title in the world and is now available in a new smaller format! Her designs, in pure yarns such as merino wool, silk and cashmere, are not only marvellously soft and gentle for a new baby"s delicate skin they are absolutely modern in [...]
Decorate your home with elegant, handmade accents, as designed by top knitting designer, Erika Knight. Starting with an introduction to basic knitting techniques, and using only natural yarns, bamboo needles and the easiest stitches, Simple Knits for Easy Living demonstrates photographically every e[...]
In "Essential Crochet", Erika Knight, international designer and author of the hugely popular "Simple Crochet", brings crochet design bang up-to-date for the modern maker. At a moment, when many of us are keen to stamp our lives and our homes with a touch of individuality, these beautiful textiles a[...]
Every parent wants to give their child the best possible start in life. Natural Nursery Knits is a collection of 20 designs created in premium yarns that are as pure and natural as a newborn baby. Ranging from first garments through to blankets, cushions and toys, Erika Knight has put together a cha[...]
Crochet Workshop is the perfect book for the beginner. Under Erika Knight's guidance even those who have never picked up a crochet hook before will soon be making gorgeous projects and all the while learning new techniques and adding to their skills. Each of the 20 projects in the book will teach yo[...]
Erika Knight: The Collection is the ultimate compendium of timeless knitwear projects from one of the leading yarncraft designers. Divided into four sections - Classic, Classic at Home, Glamour, and Glamour at Home - this delightful project books is a compendium of all Erika's favourite patterns. Cl[...]
"Beginning knitters can complete most of the designs featured, and...the author includes information on substituting yarns. Visually, this is a beautiful book, with full-page color photos of each design and detailed close-ups. Among the many designs featured are an enchanting cashmere teddy bear, a [...]
Instructive as well as inspiring, the 20 projects in this knitting guide are taught through a unique workshop approach that builds upon skills in stages. Ideal for beginners and exquisitely presented, the classically beautiful knit garments and home items reinforce lessons on such techniques as a pl[...]
Erika Knight er en højt respekteret, engelsk strikdesigner med et stort publikum også her i landet. Hendes mange bøger indeholder både strikket og hæklet beklædning og boligtilbehør, hvoraf flere er udkommet på dansk.
Nordiskt svalt! En stickbok som sticker ut i sin enkelhet.
Äntligen en stickbok med stilrena stickprojekt i jordnära färger. I den här boken är det enfärgat (och ibland randigt, melerat eller islandsmönstrat) som gäller i färger som beige, blå, grå, svart, vit, brunt. Såda[...]
Virkkaajan unelmakirja! Erika Knightin opastuksessa jopa ne, jotka eivät ole koskaan tarttuneet koukkuun, virkkaavat pian upeita käsitöitä.Virkkausohjeet eivät ole retrolöytöjä 70-luvulta vaan upeasti suunniteltuja tämän päivän käyttötekstiilejä ja asusteita. Yksinkertaisimpien mallie[...]
Käsityökirjat ja nykyään myös -blogit pursuvat neuleohjeita - mutta enimmäkseen naisille. Miesten neulemallit ovat edelleen harvassa ja usein mielikuvituksettoman tylsiä. Tätä aukkoa paikkaamaan on nyt tulossa kokoelma tyylikkäitä miesten neuleita tunnetun englantilaisen neulesuunnittelij[...]
Erika Knightin suunnittelemissa vastustamattomissa neulemalleissa yhdistyvät luonnonlankojen pehmeys ja ajaton kauneus. Kaikki neuleet, käytännöllisistä ensipukineista lämpimiin peittoihin ja ihastuttaviin leluihin, neulotaan miellyttävistä ja aidoista luonnonkuiduista. Mallistosta valmistuu[...]