Sifu Noah Knapp has created a complete beginner's guide to Kung Fu. In this comprehensive introduction you'll learn the fundamental stances, blocks, strikes, and kicks of Kung Fu as well as drills you can practice alone and with a partner to improve your skills and learn to channel your internal ene[...]
As a bouncer in some of the top night clubs in Los Angeles, Sifu Noah Knapp has seen first hand what works in a street fight and what doesnt. In fact, hes used the techniques he teaches in this book to subdue violent drunks, disarm knife wielding attackers and break up full scale melees. More import[...]
Confrontations, conflicts, and threats to our physical safety occur every day. Though each encounter may be different, the goal remains the same: to remove ourselves from danger as quickly and effectively as possible. "Survivalist Kung Fu" is your guide to ending a threatening situation using the st[...]