Motörheadin Lemmy Kilmister on hevimetallin järkähtämättömin monumentti. Karismaattinen, huumorintajuinen ja ehdottomuudessaankin suurisydäminen rokkijäärä kertoo muistelmissaan, miten Ian Kilmisteristä tuli Lemmy, aikamme kompromissittomin rockikoni.Murrosiässä Lemmy huomasi kitaran ol[...]
Världens coolaste man talar! Här berättar den evige basisten och sångaren i världens mest legendariska rockband Motörhead, om ett liv fyllt av rock´ n ´roll, droger och brudar. Lemmy Kilmister har gjort allt för att leva ut rockmyten till hundra procent med sitt extrema leverne. I sin själ[...]
The autobiography of the frontman of the loudest rock band in the world.
Since the late 1960s, the imagery of the heavy metal genre has been closely connected with the music itself. Classic albums evoke memories of famous cover artwork; metal bands have become forever synonymous with their iconic logos; and landmark live shows have led to instantly recognizable gig poste[...]
This adult coloring book about the recently deceased rock legend Lemmy Kilmister, famous for his hard metal and hard living, features drawings from many of his fans as well as many personal stories of the guitarist and vocalist's life and work with the bands Hawkwind and Motorheadand the liters of w[...]
'The Motorhead Collector's Guide' is a complete update and revamp of a much sought after title originally published in 1994. This modern, well designed new edition tells an alternate history of the band via disography and collectables, along with choice selections from the infamous fanzine 'Motorhea[...]
Similar to H. R. Giger's art in their occult themes and excellent draftsmanship, Joe Petagno's paintings have graced album covers for rock-and-roll bands since the 1970s and are much loved by fans of the genre. Beginning his career with Hipgnosis, the famed graphic designers behind Pink Floyd and Le[...]