I et let læst sprog præsenterer Kennon Sheldon i denne bog sin teori om positiv motivation, der på dansk hedder selvreguleringsteorien.
Lær, hvad du selv er motiveret af, og hvordan du motiverer andre. Bogen hjælper dig med at besvare spørgsmål som: Er du motiveret a[...]
The right to "pursue happiness" is one of the dominant themes of western culture, and understanding the causes of happiness is one of the primary goals of the positive psychology movement. However, before the causality question can even be considered, a more basic question must be addressed: CAN hap[...]
Self-determination theory is grounded in the belief that people work best and are happiest when they feel that they are in control of their own lives. This invaluable book explains the ramifications of the theory and provides clinical examples to show that it can be used to motivate patients undergo[...]