Accompanied by author analysis and contemporary applications, this collection of readings, reflections and invitations to dialogue make Interpersonal Communication: Making Worlds Together a highly readable yet sophisticated text that is well-suited for today's interpersonal communication course. The[...]
This book builds on two current developments in psychology scholarship and practice. The first centers on broad discontent with the individualist tradition in which the rational agent, or autonomous self, is considered the fundamental atom of social life. Critique of individualism spring not only fr[...]
Relational Being first builds on the broad discontent with the individualist tradition in which the rational agent, or autonomous self, is considered the fundamental atom of social life. Speaking to scholars and social practitioners, the work sets out to develop and illustrate a far more radical and[...]
Todays ever-expanding communications technologies force us to relate to more people and institutions than ever before, challenging the way we view ourselves and our relationships. This powerful and provocative book draws from a wide range of disciplinesfrom anthropology to psychoanalysis, from film[...]
Questioning the tradition of individual responsibility, this pioneering book also transforms the concept of responsibility by giving centre stage to the relational process rather than to the individual - replacing alienation and isolation with meaningful dialogue. The first three chapters are the ed[...]
We tend to organize our youth ministry from the inside out. We give gathered groups of individual youth tools and teaching to form their souls around a Christian identity. So far, so good. But what if our identity is not merely or even primarily rooted and established somewhere inside ourselves? Wha[...]
"Remains an authoritative overview of the field, but is now markedly more accessible. It will be invaluable to students and scholars looking for a sustained and engaging inquiry into the premises and practices of social constructionism". (Dr Matthew Adams, University of Brighton). Reflecting the sig[...]
This new edition of Kenneth J. Gergen's celebrated text An Invitation to Social Construction is now even more accessible for students, offering a clear and thorough introduction to one of the most significant movements in contemporary social science. The Third Edition includes: *updates reflecting [...]
Forfatteren kritiserer det tidligere individcentrerede videnskabsideal og kulturgrundlag og tager læseren med på vej mod socialkonstruktionisme. Det menneskelige centrum findes ikke i mennesket, men uden for det - skabt i mødet mellem mennesker.
Bogen henvender sig til videnskabsteoret[...]
Relationel tilblivelse sætter spot pÃ¥ relationers betydning. Vores fremtidige velfærd â bÃ¥de lokalt og globalt â er afhængig af, at vi lader relationer fÃ¥ en fremtrædende plads i vores opmærksomhed. Forfatteren, Kenneth J. Gergen, fremfører at enhver mening vokse[...]
Lettilgængelig og grundig indføring i teorien bag og praksis af socialkonstruktionisme. Med et væld af gode tankeprovokerende hverdagseksempler og anskueliggørende billedmateriale inviterer Kenneth J. Gergen os til at reflektere over, hvordan vi sammen gennem vores relationer og det spro[...]