In 1935, twenty-two-year-old Keiko Fukuda Shihan began her passage to become a judo master. As the only woman in the world to achieve the level of tenth dan, she blazed the way for women in judo to be taken seriously across all martial arts arenas, including the Olympics.Over seventy years later, Ku[...]
In 1935, twenty-two-year-old Keiko Fukuda Shihan began her passage to become a judo master. As the only woman in the world to achieve the level of tenth dan, she blazed the way for women in judo to be taken seriously across all martial arts arenas, including the Olympics.Over seventy years later, Ku[...]
This book describes the history and importance of Ju No Kata - the science of what it takes to execute throws - to the study and practice of judo. It also serves as a semi autobiography of the author, Keiko Fukuda, who is the world's foremost authority on Ju No Kata. At the age of 90, she still prac[...]