Spending a late night together at Kurumi's house, Aiba and Kurumi celebrate with a private fireworks party...but just when that peaceful and happy moment reaches its climax, Kurumi's mysterious older male companion shows up. There's no hiding the reality of their situation any longer...[...]
Spending a late night together at Kurumi's house, Aiba and Kurumi celebrate with a private fireworks party...but just when that peaceful and happy moment reaches its climax, Kurumi's mysterious older male companion shows up. There's no hiding the reality of their situation any longer...[...]
Spending a late night together at Kurumi's house, Aiba and Kurumi celebrate with a private fireworks party...but just when that peaceful and happy moment reaches its climax, Kurumi's mysterious older male companion shows up. There's no hiding the reality of their situation any longer...[...]
The climax builds as Kurumi says she wants to visit Hideo's house. Now the Aiba family is in an uproar over their son bringing his first girl home!![...]
The bond between Kurumi and Hideo grows strronger but he strugglkes to learn even an ounce of her past and understand her present situation. Meanwhile Katsu and Kyouko get closer - even sharing an accidental kiss on the lips![...]