Sadima lives in a world where magic has been banned, leaving poor villagers prey to fakes and charlatans. A "magician" stole her family's few valuables and left Sadima's mother to die on the day Sadima was born. But vestiges of magic are hidden in old rhymes and hearth tales and in people like Sadim[...]
Heart Trilby has no family. She lives a hard and lonely life in the dusty village of Ash Grove -- until she finds a scarred, skinny mare in the forest. Against the wishes of her guardian, mean-spirited Simon Pratt, Heart adopts the mare and names her Avamir. Heart is thrilled when she realizes Avami[...]
When her beloved Moonsilver, the unicorn, is nearly killed by a hunters arrow, Heart sneaks back into her village to get help froth the healer, Ruth Oakes. But even greater danger awaits Heart and Moosilver in Ash Grove. Rumors of Monsilver's secret have reached the ears of the cruel Lord Dunr[...]
Heart is convinced that the old man from Castle Avamir can help her find her family -- the only people she dares to trust with the Unicorn's secret. But the old man has been taken prisoner by Lord Dunraven. Heart's search for the truth is leading her into the most dangerous place of all: the depths [...]
The compelling sequel to the dark teen fantasy, SKIN HUNGER