An irreverent and self-deprecating memoir by a successful and ambitious career woman who woke up one morning and realised she didn't want to go to work - not just that day, but ever again. Kasey Edwards had a glamorous, successful and highly coveted career, flying around the world consulting to blu[...]
A memoir that makes readers question their definition of the 'perfect life', laugh at the absurdity of the modern workplace and be warmed by the story of a friendship.[...]
When Kasey Edwards discovers she'll be infertile within a year, she is forced to bring the baby issue to the forefront of her mind. In "30-Something and the Clock Is Ticking", she explores what having a child would mean to her identity, her career, her body, her relationships and her mental health. [...]
Kasey Edwards on saavuttanut kaikenhaluamansa. Kolmekymppisellä uraohjuksella on unelmatyöpaikka, unelmapoikaystäväja unelma-asunto. Silti hän ei halua nousta aamuisin sängystä. Hän vihaa työtään, työkavereitaan ja konttoriaan ja löytää lohtua vain lemmikkikaupan ikkunassa telmivien k[...]