At the start of the summer holidays, the unthinkable happens when Jess's beloved pony Diamond has a terrible accident. Why won't Shara, Jess's closest friend, tell her what happened down on the river flats that day? Jess suspects the worst, and feels as though she's lost not just one best friend, bu[...]
An adventurous, funny and romantic three-book series featuring spirited girls and horses, perfect for younger teens. Like the timeless My Friend Flicka or The Silver Brumby the characters and scenarios in this highly commercial series are earthy and believable. Diamond Spirit: The Diamond Spirit Ser[...]
Ola Pehrson Retrospective/Retrospektiv Ola Pehrson Retrospective/Retrospektiv är den första monografin över Ola Pehrsons konstnärskap som publiceras. Bokens två delar samlar ett antal essäer och dokumentation över hans viktigaste verk, vilka tillsammans ger värdefulla inblickar i hans konst[...]