Here, historian Justin McCarthy tells the story of the collapse of the Ottoman Empire and how this changed the lives of Slavs, Turks, Greeks, Arabs, and Armenians. The history has striking parallels, as well as direct links, to the crises in the Balkans today. For six centuries the Ottoman Empire un[...]
Justin McCarthy's introductory survey traces the whole history of the Ottoman Turks from their obscure beginnings in central Asia, through the establishment and rise of the Ottoman Empire to its collapse after World War One under the pressures of nationalism. Vividly illustrated with many maps, this[...]
Observera att förlaget som ger ut denna produkt baserar innehållet i sina produkter på fria källor som Wikipedia. Boken är med stor sannolikhet endast ett utdrag ur dessa informationskällor, alltså inte en vanlig bok i den bemärkelsen.[...]