Part planetary love poem, part 24/7 news flash, the hypnotic poems of This Connection of Everyone with Lungs wrap with equal, angular grace around lovers and battleships. These poems hear the tracer fire in a bird's song and capture cell division and troop deployments in the same expansive thought. [...]
The MLA Committee on Scholarly Editions has awarded "Tender Buttons: The Corrected Centennial Edition" its seal designating it an MLA Approved Edition.
2014 marks the one hundredth anniversary of the original publication of Gertrude Stein's groundbreaking modernist classic, "Tender Buttons." This[...]
That Winter the Wolf Came is written for this era of global struggle. It finds its ferment at the intersection of ecological and economic catastrophe. Its feminist and celebratory energy is fueled by street protests and their shattered windows. Amid oil spills and austerity measures and shore birds [...]
Filosofen Sara Ahmed skriver: \\\"Orienteringar handlar om de riktningar vi intar och som placerar vissa saker och inte andra inom räckhåll för oss.\\\" Vilka kroppar som har tillträde till vilka rum och till vilka berättelser genomsyrar numrets olika texter. Här berörs teman som geografisk o[...]