An atlas that takes us across the oceans of the world to fifty remote islands. It features rare animals and lost explorers, marooned slaves and lonely scientists, mutinous sailors and forgotten castaways.[...]
Judith Schalansky was born in 1980 on the wrong side of the Berlin Wall. The Soviets wouldn't let anyone travel so everything she learnt about the world came from her parents' battered old atlas. An acclaimed novelist and award-winning graphic designer, she has spent years creating this, her own ima[...]
A lovely small-trim edition of the award-winning "Atlas of Remote Islands"
"The Atlas of Remote Islands," Judith Schalansky's beautiful and deeply personal account of the islands that have held a place in her heart throughout her lifelong love of cartography, has captured the imaginations of rea[...]
When was the last time a book on typography made you swoon? Just wait until you feast your eyes on Fraktur MonAmour, Berlin-based graphic designer Judith Schalansky's love letter to Blackletter fonts. Blackletter, also known asFraktur or Gothic type, was commonly used throughout Europe in the Middle[...]
Adaptation is everything. Inge Lohmark is well aware of that; after all, she's been teaching biology for more than thirty years. But nothing will change the fact that her school is going to be closed in four years: In this dwindling town in the eastern German countryside, there are fewer and fewer c[...]
Judith Schalansky was born in 1980 on the wrong side of the Berlin Wall. The Soviets wouldn't let anyone travel so everything she learnt about the world came from her parents' battered old atlas. An acclaimed novelist and award-winning graphic designer, she has spent years creating this, her own ima[...]
Eine Kindheit am Meer. Eine Sehnsucht nach Freiheit. Die Ahnung, dass Freiheit einen Preis hat. Judith Schalansky erzählt in ihrem eindringlichen Romandebüt vom Aufwachsen an der Ostseeküste in der DDR, dort ?wo andere Urlaub machen?. Und von den Reisen der erwachsenen Ich-Erzählerin nac[...]
Atlas over fjerne øyer er Schalanskys hyllest til den imaginære reisen, til verdens små og fjerne steder, til de isolerte øyene og små koloniene, de som ikke teller eller synes på verdenskartets etablerte virkelighet. Gjennom 50 fjerne øygrupper bringes vi tett på fantastiske fortellinger om[...]
I en DDR-tidslomme med stive og firkantede former underviser biologilæreren Inge Lohmark på et gymnasium. Hun er overbevist darwinist og praktiserer udviklingslæren fagligt og pædagogisk. Hun lever et glædesløst liv sammen med sin mand, der er en kendt strudseavler.
Eftersom hon föddes på fel sida om Berlinmuren var det bara genom fantasin som Judith Schalansky kunde resa. Med denna bok har hon skapat sin egen atlas, och tar oss med till 50 avlägsna platser från Tristan da Cunha till Clipperton Atoll, från Christmas Island till Påskön. Sällsynta djur o[...]
Anpassning är allt, det vet Inge Lohmark. Hon har undervisat i biologi i över trettio år. Att hennes skola kommer att stängas för gott om fyra år är ett ovedersägligt faktum den krympande orten i Vorpommerns inland lider helt enkelt brist på barn. Lohmarks make, som inseminerade nötkrea[...]